COVID 19 Announcement: How We Are Continuing to Keep You Safe In 2021 Re-introducing in-person appointments with new protocol – click here for full information


How to Treat Balance Disorders

How to Treat Balance Disorders

Do you ever find yourself missing your step or feeling dizzy? It could be that you have a balance disorder. There are a number of things that could cause a balance disorder, but don’t worry, there are a number of ways in which they can be treated.   What is a...

4 Benefits of Visiting An Audiologist

4 Benefits of Visiting An Audiologist

You’ve got a choice – visit a hearing aid dispenser or visit an Audiologist. The cheaper option is a trip to Costco to see a hearing aid dispenser. But when it comes to your hearing health, making decisions based on cost alone can be risky if what you’re actually...

Revolutionary New Rechargeable Hearing Aids

Revolutionary New Rechargeable Hearing Aids

Modern hearing devices are easy to use and integrate into your life. When you can take advantage of excellent devices, like the ReSound LiNX Quattro, there is no reason not to use a hearing aid to improve your ability to participate in the activities and conversations...

What To Do If You Think You Have Tinnitus

What To Do If You Think You Have Tinnitus

What is tinnitus?  Tinnitus is characterized by hearing noises that aren’t there. These sounds are different for everyone but they’re often ringing, buzzing, whistling, or roaring sounds. These sounds can happen all the time or just now and then. They can be high...

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