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Hearing Aid Technology
Most of us remember the bulky, ugly contraptions our grandparents wore, but modern hearing aids are far different. In addition to a streamlined design, they are user-friendly and so discrete that most people will never know that you are wearing one. Micro-digital technology in modern hearing aids allows for better hearing aid performance in a smaller package. Advancements in material technology also help increase wearing comfort as well as provide a wide range of color selections in order to make a fashion statement or help make them invisible.
Connectivity options are also common with many of the hearing aid options available. A broad range of apps, which include the capacity for remote assistance from your audiologist, make it possible to fine-tune your hearing aids, make it easier to enjoy phone conversations or lower the volume on your television. These things are so advanced that they have removed most if not all of any remaining stigmas you might have had about hearing aids.
We carry a wide range of models from brand name manufacturers like Widex, Oticon, Phonak, ReSound, Signia, Starkey and more. In addition, the Hearing Center of Dublin ENT provides expert fitting, adjustments, tech support and on-going follow-up care. Here are some of the types and styles of hearing aids to choose from:

Invisible-In-Canal (IIC)

Completely-In-The-Canal (CIC)

In-The-Canal (ITC)

In-The-Ear (ITE)

Receiver-In-The-Ear (RIC)

Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
Request a Callback
Making the right decision often means overcoming personal objections or reservations. Better information, answers to questions or a bit of encouragement could be all that is standing between you and a much-improved quality of life.
For this reason, the Hearing Center of Dublin ENT has a hearing care expert on hand to help answer questions and respond to your concerns related to hearing loss and hearing care. To receive a callback from our expert, simply complete this form for a friendly no-obligation conversation relating to your questions and/or concerns.