At The Hearing Center of Dublin ENT, patients’ health and well-being have been at the foundations of everything that we do.
As your hearing care professionals, COVID-19 has been closely monitored, and appropriate steps have been taken with immediate effect to serve the community’s needs and protect vulnerable populations.
Our five-step protocol includes:
#1 – Hand Washing on Arrival
All patients must wash their hands upon arrival before entering our office as clearly marked on the office door; you will then be asked to use the hand sanitizer upon entering
#2 – Minimum Company for Appointments
You’re kindly asked to bring a maximum of one person with you for your appointment, and ideally visit alone if possible.
#3 – Thorough Cleaning Between Appointments
Between appointments, additional time has been scheduled to thoroughly clean all surfaces, sterilize areas between patients, and ensure each patient is entering a sterile environment.
#4 – Self-Assessment Prior to Appointments
In the same way that our team’s health is monitored daily through temperature checks and routine hand sanitation, you are kindly asked to reschedule your appointment if you have had a fever or cough.
#5 – Minimized Waiting Times
Although all magazines and toys have been removed from the waiting room for sterile reasons, processes are now in place to minimize waiting times through reduced paperwork and spaced-out scheduling of appointments.
Caring for our community’s health is the number one priority, and this protocol has been implemented to protect you, other patients, and our staff.
If you have any questions or need any help, please call 478-272-8382.