Apple has recently launched its latest update in September 2019, iOS 13. After learning that hearing aid users were having connectivity issues due to this latest update, we wanted to share with our patients what we know about the problem and how you can resolve it.
iPhones and iPads tend to automatically update once Apple releases new software and, in general terms, this is a really good thing. In this case, however, it seems that unfortunately the update has not been very well received. Twitter and Apple complaint forums have been awash with complaints. The main issue being raised is the problem users are experiencing when trying to connect devices via Bluetooth to their Apple products.
The Bluetooth connectivity problem seems to be that Apple is requiring new permissions, meaning not only do you have to have your Bluetooth turned on, ready to pair, but you also need to directly give each app permission separately to use your phones Bluetooth. Users are having problems connecting their phone to many devices, from car stereos to wireless headphones but some of our patients have reported connectivity issues with their hearing aids and were concerned the problem was with their hearing aid product. We want to reassure you that the problem is with Apple’s latest iOS 13 software update and not your hearing aid. Sadly this latest update is incredibly buggy, meaning the program that should be telling your phone how to connect with your hearing aids is not working properly.
We wanted to share these instructions detailing everything you need to know to overcome this problem and to ensure the connectivity between your Apple device and your hearing aids is working perfectly. Please click here to learn how to navigate the challenges you have been experiencing and how to fix the most common problems.
Please accept our apologies for any problems you have been experiencing and please do be rest assured that the issues with iOS 13 are being dealt with by Apple as ReSound has made them aware of the issues their users are having with connectivity between their device and their ReSound hearing aids.
If you have any further questions please do give the ReSound hotline a call at 888-735-4237 or if the phone lines are a little busy, you can always get in touch by email at