Hearing loss contributes to a wide range of problems due to communication failures, but damage to relationships is among the most significant. However, you can restore and improve your relationships by seeking help. Relationship issues for those with hearing loss are part of what drives my passion for helping the people in the community toward their journey to better hearing and providing them with a better quality of life. As a means of encouragement, I have put together common relationship issues with some necessary information on how getting help with your hearing loss can improve your relationships.
Some Hearing Loss Stats
To help provide some perspective about the extent of hearing loss and its lack of treatment, let’s start with a few stats. Only one in four Americans seek treatment for hearing loss, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. This statistic means that three-quarters of people are putting their relationships in danger, which causes me great concern, especially when it is so easy to get help.
Decrease in Communication Failures
When you are unable to communicate, you look for ways to isolate yourself from friends and family or avoid social gatherings. These actions contribute to the frustrations experienced by loved ones and increase feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression in the one suffering from hearing loss. Treatment allows those with hearing loss issues to reintegrate with family and friends, reducing frustrations and encouraging better mental health.
Reduced Dependence on Others
A major frustration associated with both the sufferer and their loved ones relates to dependence. A person who has difficulty communicating requires regular assistance from family and friends to understand important information or directions, which can become frustrating to everyone involved. Getting help eliminates this issue, contributing to greater independence for the one with hearing loss as well as reducing the need for someone to accompany them.
No More Shouting, “Turn It Down!”
Another source of strained relationships has to do with the volume of the television, radio, or other electronic devices. As frustration from the noise level for the person without hearing loss increases, they shout at the one with hearing loss, telling them to “turn it down!” Getting help for hearing loss allows both parties to enjoy these devices at a volume level that is tolerable to both.
Reduced Frequency of “What’d You Say?”
Asking someone to repeat themselves frequently leads to a lot of frustration. Nobody likes to repeat themselves dozens of times throughout a conversation. After struggling for some time, the person with hearing loss gives up and clams up, or the loved one snaps at them and leaves the room. Getting help with hearing loss reduces the frequency of asking, “What’d you say?” which makes the conversation more comfortable for everyone.
Hearing Aid Misconceptions
Misconceptions about hearing aids and other treatment options contribute to the failure to seek treatment. These misconceptions lead to self-worth issues. In reality, advanced digital technology and material engineering have allowed for the production of smaller, lighter weight and nearly invisible hearing aids, which means that you can get the help you need without feeling self-conscious.
I want to help restore and improve your relationships by providing you with the help you need with your hearing loss. My team and I at the Hearing Center of Dublin ENT have the experience and expertise combined with a genuine concern for your well-being and that of your relationships to provide you with excellent hearing health care. Contact us for more information about the hearing health care treatment options available from Hearing Center of Dublin ENT, request a callback, or set up an appointment by calling 478-272-8382.