Hearing loss is something that affects millions of Americans, but over a third of them leave it untreated. With advances in hearing aids and other treatments for a hearing loss, there is no reason to ignore it. However, a hearing loss can be difficult to spot in its early stages, so here are some tips on what to look out for.
Watch the volume
Do you find you need the volume on the TV higher than you used to? Is it loud enough to make other people complain? This could well be a sign of a hearing loss.
Could you repeat that?
How many times a week do you have to ask someone to repeat themselves? Do people seem to mumble these days? It might be your hearing that is at fault rather than their speech.
Telephone conversations are tricky
It can be much harder to understand what is being said when you can’t see someone’s face or lips. Having a telephone conversation can be really tricky for someone with a hearing loss, and while it’s easy to blame a bad line, if it’s not the only sign then it’s time for a hearing test.
Social events are hard work
It’s much harder to understand conversations in a noisy environment for someone with a hearing loss. If several people are speaking at once, it can be hard to follow what one person is saying. People with an untreated hearing loss often find themselves on the sidelines of social events or avoid them completely.
Higher tones are harder to hear
It is often the case that higher tones are the first to go with a hearing loss. This means that some alarm tones, a phone ringing, and women and children with higher voices are all harder to hear.
What’s that ringing?
Tinnitus can also be a sign of a hearing loss – an annoying ringing or buzzing in one or both ears.
There’s no need to shout!
If you can’t hear yourself talking as well as before, you may find that you are shouting or talking loudly without realizing it. However, some people with a hearing loss do speak very quietly.
Headaches and fatigue
If you find yourself with frequent headaches and feeling tired, particularly after attending an event or gathering, then your hearing could be to blame. Your brain needs to work extra hard to compensate for the hearing loss, meaning it has less energy to use on other functions, so your memory could be affected too.
Time to get a hearing test
If a few of these things sound familiar to you, it’s time to come to The Hearing Center of Dublin ENT, Georgia for a hearing test. Call us at 478-272-8382, or request a call back to schedule your appointment.