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Have you ever stopped and thought about how important your hearing is? After all, our ears play a major role in connecting us to the world – to our environment, to other people, to those we love. So what happens when our hearing starts to fade? At first, it might be...
Hearing loss is something that affects millions of Americans, but over a third of them leave it untreated. With advances in hearing aids and other treatments for a hearing loss, there is no reason to ignore it. However, a hearing loss can be difficult to spot in its...
You may already know that you are experiencing some hearing loss. You might be putting off getting a hearing test because you are busy or concerned about what the test will show. However, getting a hearing test at The Hearing Center of Dublin ENT is the first step...
The thought of having a test of any kind can leave some people feeling a little apprehensive. This is perfectly understandable and, if this applies to you, you’re not alone. However, when it comes to a hearing test at The Hearing Center of Dublin ENT, we have plenty...
Think hearing aid, and most people will picture one of the chunky over-the-ear styles like their grandparents might have worn some years ago. However, most hearing aids aren’t like that anymore. Nowadays there is a big range of different hearing aid styles and some of...